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We are thankful to Almighty Allah for bestowing us an opportunity to disseminate and promulgate the  knowledge which has been bequeathed to us by the fourteen infallible Ahlibait Al-athar Alihum -al-salam. At Misbah ul Huda Education Academy we have undertaken a variety of courses through online platform on different subjects namely Quran, jurisprudence, History, Ethics etc for the knowledge revolution of the society. Besides we are conducting language classes of Persian and Arabic for better understanding of Islamic thought. We are going to add more subjects Insha’Allah in the near future. The believers are taking keen interest in these subjects. As responsible believers (momineen) it should be our prime focus to acquaint the young generation with teachings of Islam and Masoomeen (a.s) so that they become soliders of the army of the Saviour, the Eminent, Imam-i- Muntazar(a.s).

Terms, conditions and statutes for admission:

  1. A minimum number of five students is mandatory for starting a course / class.
  2. Participating students are requested to observe perseverance, cooperation and discipline during the course and they are required to complete all the assignments and exercises allied to the particular course.
  3. Participation in the term end assessments and examinations is mandatory for every student and every participant student is required to achieve and over 50% marks / grade for the completion of that particular course / subject. [If any student wanted a certificate, otherwise there is no exam at the end of courses]
  4. During the entire course the participants have to attend all the classes regularly with responsibility and diligence.

Grades / Merits:

  1. Insha’Allah, the expertise and experience of qualified and experienced teachers / professors / ulema will be availed.
  2. The classes will be delivered in different languages (Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and English) as per the requirements of the students.
  3. The classes for brothers and sisters will be held subject wise simultaneously as well as separately.
  4. Women will be taught by specific women teachers.
  5. The timings of the classes will be fixed as per the requirement and ease of the participant students.
  6. The timings of classes for the students belonging to European continent will be fixed as per their respective time zones.
  7. The duration of courses and classes as per the topic and subject will be either of one hour or a few hours, one day or a few days, one week or a few weeks, one month or a few months or in case of a semester the classes will be held continuously till the culmination of the semester.
  8. At the end of the course, the participating students will be given a certificate by the Al-Hikmah Institute of Short-Term Educational Courses and Research Studies affiliated with Mustafa (SWT) International University in Qom, Iran.
  9. Courses can be conducted for men and women, children, youth, youth and senior citizens of all ages.

Note:  Courses and classes on any subject of Islamic sciences and humanities can be conducted as per the requirement of the students but for the formation of any class it is necessary to have at least 5 persons.